(*1981, Heidelberg) is a concept artist with roots in Ghana. He studied photography and visual art and was a master student of Olaf Metzel at the Academy of the Fine Arts in Munich. He has been awarded scholarships and artist’s residencies, on which he draws for his current international exhibition activities. Since 2010 he has devoted himself in his installations, photo and video works above all to the (post-)colonial culture of remembrance. The sleep mask, printed with the words SORRYFORNOTHING, which he is wearing in the photograph by Espen Eichhöfer, refers to a sculpture he made for the Berlin City Museum in the Humboldt Forum. It is a foil for the demand for critical dealing with the German colonial past and the official culture of remembrance. With SORRYFORNOTHING he focuses on this vacuum in the public consciousness. A saying that artists might surely think of in these Corona times.


(*1966, Nesbyer/Norway) studied 1992–2000 communication design, focusing on photography, at Duisburg-Essen University. 2001/2002 awarded the documentary photography advancement award of the Wüstenrot Foundation, and 2005 the Körber Photo Award. A member of OSTKREUZ since 2006. 2008 Artist in Residence at the Goethe Institute Manila. 2011 and 2017 awarded the VG Photo Art Scholarship and in 2017 the scholarship of the Fritt Ord Foundation, Norway. Participated in the 2014 group exhibitions WHAT WAS AND WHAT IS in Museum Folkwang, Essen, and THE ILLEGAL IMAGE – PHOTOGRAPHY BETWEEN SELF-CENSORSHIP AND PHOTO BAN in F 3 – freiraum für fotografie, Berlin, which he co-curated.

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